Many writers have been quoted as saying they don't actually like writing, but love having written. I actually love writing, the process itself brings me pleasure. I experience joy in getting something raw and authentic and true down on paper. I relish the rush of adrenaline as I edit and polish both my piece and myself. And yes, I love having written.

Most people, in their school days, loathed proofreading and editing their writing, but I have always loved it. For me, the written word is like clay in a potter’s hand. It begins as an amorphous lump of ideas, but with time and effort, it can be worked into something beautiful and purposeful.

Cheryl Gilbert is a loving wife, proud mom, cancer survivor, really loud laugher, and sun-seeker living in the Pacific Northwest. Cheryl has a degree in English, Writing & Rhetoric from Pepperdine University. She is a Marriage & Family writer for and is a regular guest blogger at Hello Mornings. She has worked as a teacher, a personal trainer, a nutritionist, and a Youth & Children's Ministry assistant, all while remaining passionate about the written word and using her gifts both to tell her own story and to help others communicate well. When she’s not writing, you can find Cheryl skiing with her husband, baking with her daughter, watching Star Wars & Marvel movies with her son, or exploring local parks & trails with her dog.